

Kratom Strain Review – Happy Hippo Herbals Kratom Strain Review – Happy Hippo Herbals

Hippo Kratom is a great kratom source and something that could add to your kratom rotation. I tend to always order from Botanical Kratom for a couple of reasons: Its all in Canadian Dollars They have a call in Number to

Kratom and Cardio – Running Boring? Not Anymore! Kratom and Cardio – Running Boring? Not Anymore!

If you are like millions of people, you don’t really enjoy walking, much less walking in place. Kratom and cardio will mix very nicely for you if you tend to have trouble staying on the treadmill, or even getting there in the

Kratom for Wake Up – The Best Mornings Ever Kratom for Wake Up – The Best Mornings Ever

Kratom can be used like coffee, you can use kratom as a caffeine alternative, or, you can mix them both for a synergetic morning that will wake you up. Kratom for wake up can also be used when your coffee

Kratom for Labor – Making Work Fun Kratom for Labor – Making Work Fun

It is not uncommon for workers to use kratom to help uplift their mood during labor hours. I will assume that you love your job and that you enjoy what you do. Keep in mind that if you DON’T enjoy

Maeng Da Kratom – Whats The Difference? Maeng Da Kratom – Whats The Difference?

Maeng Da Kratom is known as Pimp kratom in the native language where kratom is grown (south east asia). As the name suggest, this leaves one to assume that Maeng Da is a superior form of kratom, which it is. A

Kratom and Weight Loss – Natural Weight Loss Kratom and Weight Loss – Natural Weight Loss

Well this isn’t a new subject, the natural weight loss I mean. But Kratom is definitley a good way to lose weight if you are a person who tends to over eat. Kratom and weight loss is another great kratom

Kratom for Pain – Get your Life Back Kratom for Pain – Get your Life Back

Having trouble getting out of bed? Hard to work because of the pain? Have you seen everyone you can think of? Well, it may help to hear that you are not alone in this category because many of us unfortunately

Kratom and Food – How should you eat around Kratom? Kratom and Food – How should you eat around Kratom?

If you do your research on kratom you will notice a lot of people talking about kratom and food. Kratom and food should not be taken at the same time so that the most pronounced kratom effect can occur. Kratom

Kratom, A Legal High? Kratom, A Legal High?

I am not a Medical Doctor and cannot speak for one. Please see DISCLAIMER It is extremely important to understand that kratom is not a drug that is meant to be “high”. In fact, kratom does not cross the blood brain barrier

Kratom Addiction Kratom Addiction

When discussing substances that are used everyday, you will think about addiction. Kratom Addiction is not commonly heard of, there are many users that use kratom for many different reasons and have always been able to ween off of it