Kratom for Pain – Get your Life Back
Having trouble getting out of bed?
Hard to work because of the pain?
Have you seen everyone you can think of?
Well, it may help to hear that you are not alone in this category because many of us unfortunately hurt ourselves.
IF you suffer from pain than you are probably not living the life that you should be living, nor is it the one that you envisioned living when you were 20 years younger.
Kratom for Pain?
Kratom seems to be a solution when it comes to chronic pain.
Getting off painkillers could be a saviour to you on to the ones who love you.
It is not a theory that prescription drugs kill, it is a fact.
Using kratom will allow for more than just a pain relieving sensation.
Unlike opiates, kratom is in the coffee family, and not unlike caffeine kratom can help motivate you to get things done.
Opiates, from what I have heard make you tired and “zombified” utterly destroying your entire quality of life.
The kratom effects could essentially change your life from the first dose.

Why does kratom act as a Painkiller?
Kratom acts as a painkiller because it behaves as a mu-opiod receptor agonist, which is exactly what morphine does.
The primary active ingredient “Mitragynine” is an mu opiod receptor agonist.
This is the main ingredient that will cause your pain to be relieved
It attaches to your receptors in the brain that allows you to feel euphoria, energy, pain, Click here for more benefits.
Kratom itself relieves pain using its alkaloids within the plant, also adding some euphoria to help with your pain.
How I previously used kratom to cure my pain.
I am going to share with you what happened to me to give me back pain, what I did, and what would have been better
Earlier today (when Im writing this June 16, 2015) I made an awkward movement when I lifted a piece of medical equipment at my work.
I felt it as soon as it happened but was hoping that it would subside.
Unfortunately, it was 10 hours later, and my back was bothering me. I was sitting on the couch watching tv and could not get my mind off of my back.
It wasn’t a BIG pain, but it was uncomfortable and when I would move in a certain way it would stress the pain.
I took this opportunity to use kratom as a pain helper and it worked!
I felt amazing!
The best strain that would help for pain would be a Red Vein, Green Vein, or Even Maeng Da for the euphoric effects.
This will definitely get your mind off of the pain while the kratom alkaloids do their work.
Kratom does not only help with pain, but it also has a boat load of other benefits and if you use it for pain, you may notice these effects while taking the plant for pain.
For a complete guide on kratom, click here.
Kratom Capsules for Pain
When dealing with pain you will want your kratom to be in your system throughout the day so that you are not dealing with the pain that is bothering you.
Kratom Capsules would be my first choice for allowing kratom to be in your body.
Using kratom capsules will be easier to take and will last longer.
If you do not like to toss and wash and despise the taste, than kratom capsules are definitely a way to go.
If you use veggie caps, it will be easier on your stomach than if it were other style caps.
When using kratom for pain, find your sweet spot with the capsules and once you have assessed how much you have to take.
…dose about every 3 hours…
or 30 minutes before the pain tends to come on.
For example, If your pain tends to come on 4 hours after dosing your kratom capsules.
Then you should keep in mind that at 3.5 hours, you should dose your kratom to allow the painkilling effects of the plant to take hold and make you feel great.
In Conclusion
You are a human being that has amazing things going on in your life. I obviously don’t know you personally, but its universal, we all have a purpose in life.
Weather it’s to raise your child, raise your pet, help your parents, we all have something that we MUST DO.
How are we supposed to better ourselves or the people we love if we are constantly in pain, barely able to move.
It could help give you your life back and allow you to feel like you are 20 again!
This way you can Stay Safe!
To the new you that is full of energy and happiness.
Take care!
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I have never heard of Kratom before. My question would be can you get addicted to this like you can with something like morphine? I wouldn’t want that. I would like to use it for anxiety. How much do you need and where can you buy it? Thanks for the information
you can search the site a bit and find that is kratom addictive is in “kratom guide” If used with my guidelines (almost a year of experience trying different methods) There are no addiction properties like morphine because nothing depends on kratom once you stop taking it. unlike morphine which multiplies receptors in your brain that can only be affected by morphine.
Kratom also acts as a blocker to help people ween off of opiates like heroin and morphine. Kratom is definitely safe to try and you can buy at “where to buy” page located at top of site
Very interesting, I never heard of Kratom in my life. This can save so many people from their addictions, wow! I will have to remember to suggest this site to a few people that I know that are addicted to painkillers! Thanks for this information.
Your Welcome Nicole. I was introduced to kratom as a production booster aka procrastination killer. But after pulling my back (Im hoping thats all it is) I was able to TRULY experience kratoms effects on painkiller abilities and it was AMAZING, my pain is totally GONE.
Also the fact that kratom will make you happy and outgoing is a definitive bonus ESPECIALLY if you are addicted to something. I have been taking it for Almost a year now and there is literally NO addiction. when I forget to order some I kick myself but in no way are there any withdrawals or addicition cravings.
Kratom is not necessarily the best thing to take, because it comes in a powder it tastes VERY bitter. I also only suggest getting the powder since you can dose what you need instead of for example taking 10 kratom capsules to get an effect for you.
powder will allow you to dose what you want, and rather easily, with practice.
Hopes this helps and thanks for the comment!
I had not heard of Kratom before, it appears to be a natural way to treat chronic pain. Are the euphoric effects you describe like marijuana? It is medically legal here in AZ for chronic pain, what are the main differences between these two natural remedies?
Hey there,
Yes if you view the video I have just recently found the uses of kratom as a painkiller. It works wonders, literally. Marijuana I never found to relieve any pain, more distract you from it. But kratom has alkaloids that resemble morphine that is why.
Kratom and Marijuana = Well the euphoria like effect COULD resemble themselves BUT you should not put them in the same category what so ever.
Kratom actually initiates production while marijuana is more to relax. Although there are slow strains of kratom that are perfect for relaxation (euphoria) it is not the same as marijuana at all.
hi there
i have visited your site before but I am not very familiar with kratom. I did some quick internet research and I am not quite sure if there is a comparison for kratom. Marijuana in a sense? It seems like it can be taken in multiple forms and the kratom you describe for pain seems to be in pill form. Am I correct? I am a trained psychologist and I do not the brain chemistry of drugs. And oftentimes it is actually quite more complex than we can think. In theory, if there is no receptors for kratom, it would not lead to a dependency. I am hesitant to be honest but do agree that it seems better than painkillers and drugs such as opiates. I will look through your site to find some more answers
Hey Emily,
First of all I want to say thank you for returning ! I appreciate it. Also kratom and marijuana are totally different in effect. It is hard to pin point an EXACT comparison since every kratom strain has a range of effects from euphoria to energy.
So comparing to marijuana would be completely wrong. Also I found that in my personal life, kratom propels me towards productivity and focus, while marijuana does the opposite.
The euphoria felt by both COULD be similar in a sense since they are both soft euphoria (nothing like a strong opiate, although if taken in right dosage and right strain you could mimic a light dose of perco cets with kratom.
But yes research more and if you have any more questions feel free to comment.. Thanks again Emily
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I am in total agreement with you. Kratom is such a more reasonable medicine for pain than oxy or pills. It is also much more manageable to stop and use as a maintenance drug.
About 3 days ago I was on Craigslist and there was a plant o had never heard of in my life. So I decided to buy 2 small kratom plant. The farther I research the kratom the more it made me interested I kratom. So I went to a herbal store and bought 11g of white vein Thai just to try it before I get myself into buying oz of kratoms. To be honest I felt the kratom effect with my first dosage of 2g of kratom . So I took it the second day same thing I felt no pain,anxiety, depression,fatigue,or lazy. I’ve been on all kind of pain meds for past 10 years. I have fibromyalis, arthritis upper and lower lumbar,back pain,knee,shoulder,hands and tons more of problems. I tried physical therapy water therapy,occupation therapy. Today is my third day using kratom and man does it really work. I’ve decreased my oxy 10mg from 10 pills a day to 2. I stop all my other 10 medication for the first time. I really love the maeng da red vien.
Hey Tracy
Welcome to kratom 🙂 it is an amazing plant and with all of its positive properties and being as old as the earth. It strikes me as unusual that I only found out about this plant 1.5 years ago !
I know exactly what you are talking about when you say all of your anxiety and pain melted away. It does the same for me!
The only thing I got worried about was at the beginning of your email you stated how you got it locally. This is ok I guess if you personally feel great. That means the kratom is working and is doing what it is suppose to do.
My friend and I have bad experiences dealing with local kratom suppliers. They either have expired kratom (that will make you sick VERY quickly, not dangerous tho, just annoying) or they will mis lead you into the use of it. Some head shops promote the use of smoking kratom. I DO NOT RECOMMEND smoking kratom, you would need to smoke so much to get an effect and it would destroy your throat.
Glad to see that you are coming off of the oxy. In my opinion that is the governments population control at this point, you either die of overdose or your a zombie till you die … of an overdose. Not to mention that high additivity level of these pills to make you needing to come back for more. I personally find this a disgusting way to “help” people, considering doctors are giving us heroin and saying its ok to take.
Anyway sorry for the little ramble there hopefully I clarified a bit for you. I urge you to look through and try find little experiences that could help you as well as the kratom guide
Until than, stay safe and take care
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[…] Kratom Helps Pain and Opiate Withdrawal […]
hi my name is bryan im 26 years old. tonight while on facebook i got suggested to visit this page because i follow very close to any material on oppiate with drawl. reason being 10 years now ive been addicted to any oppiate oppiod i could get my hands on. i live in tennesse and up to this very day its always ben one call or one random person you meet away from finding you some or by experience i found it easy to go to a doctor in medicine tell them you have been using and they write you a full perscription of the stuff that will help keep you off the stuff suboxone is what im currently talking about. so for the last 4 years on and off ive been in the clinics to get the suboxone compared to being on the streets every day breaking the law just to find some pills to get you through day. suboxone worked its an opiod binded with a medicine that helps cravings and blocks any opiates from intering your system the medicine binds your receptors and when im hearing that this plant is doing the same thing its got me thinking the main reason suboxone has failed to get me completly off to this day is middle of the program run out of money to 1 pay the doctor bill thats all there about then you gotta pay for the expensive medicine the company that made this drug off of one person alone trying it that way will be paying tha scientest rent for years thats not setting adding up the never stopping number of people who line up every week with all the money they worked for stole ect and have to spend it all just to keep from withdrawing. its very sad because when you get like me and use every bit of what you got to get this medicine and you no longer have money the doctors wont talk to you and the pharmacy has no solution so your stuck with the upcoming withdrawls that you have devoted every thing to not experience. so ive watched all the videos on this hear the fix to my bigest problem ive ever had. but my state out laws it so go to close state that doesnt but im looking for numbers of people to say yea man i was strung out just as you and this plant took that away from me. i devoted alot of my time listening to your stuff and reading up on this. so i will be very greatfull to hear back from you on some more info of sucsess stories or somthing along those lines! thanks bkd3590 is facebook if your interested in msg me may god answer my prayers through you and this plant soon amen
there is a kratom testimonial page coming up very shortly I’m wrapping it up and than will post it .
Get well my friend.
Merry Christmas!
I was hit by a train a long time ago and managed to break everything except my back and my arms. Since then skeletal arthritis has settled in what seems to be every joint of my body and is increasingly painful.
While I am thankful to have survived, some days makes me wonder if it’s it worth it. I seem to have a high tolerance to opioids and need an effective method of pain relief that injections, implants, and drugs won’t touch.
I’ve read through your “bible” and appreciate the work that it has required. Thank you. I’m sincerely hoping that Kratom will provide the relief that nothing else has.
I’ve already bought the Kratom- 4oz.’s Red Maeng Da Mitra and 4oz.;s White Borneo Mitra, to help me get off of a 50-70 mgs. of Oxcodone, my question is can I take it while I’m trying to taper off the Oxy’s and how much should I use and which one preferably, I also take an antidepressant called Viibryd, any advice would be very much appreciated! I want off of these damn pills sooo bad!