What is Kratom? – Kratom Beginners Guide

When you first heard the name kratom your first question was most likely What is Kratom? Well, here we will go into details on every aspect of the plant.
With this post, you will have certainty to know exactly what to say when someone asks “What is Kratom?”. Simply refer them to this page or, if you are great at holding knowledge, tell them about it.
I give you step by step information to answer your the question ” What is Kratom?”
I will begin by giving you some background on the plant’s nature to give you a true scope of What kratom is.
What is Kratom?
Its true name is Mitragyna speciosa and it is a native tree to South-east Asia. It can grow higher than 55 feet and as wide as 15 feet in circumference. There are other terms for kratom that you can find kratom is slightly psychoactive but remains in the coffee family.
Kratom has been in nature since before man new it existed. It had to inevitably be discovered, tried and experimented on.
Something to keep in mind is the fact that the media only shows us what it wants to/ the “best” stories that they can. It is not because you don’t here about it in the news that it does not exist.
The Kratom Plant was discovered by a Dutch botanist. He first tried the plant himself and found that the leaves of the tree had amazing potential in helping him feel Happy, Energized, Motivated, and Relaxed.
In the early discoveries of the kratom leaf, the botanist Pieter Korthals who discovered kratom in 1839 (Wikipedia) shared his discoveries with the native people of the southeast Asian countries. Kratom became an all around healer for many folks of the past.
Kratom was, in fact, helping them with everything from mental stress to pain from injuries. The natives of South East Asia are known to also pick the leaves and chew them.
I would imagine when Kratom was first discovered its alkaloid level incredibly potent due to the lack of picking the tree.
Nobody had touched them and the plant was getting older and more mature. Allowing them to produce more alkaloid levels to their leaves.
The age of the tree and leaf definitely play a part in the potency of the kratom alkaloids.
The natives would use this as a “pick me up” similar to how we use coffee today.
Some of the media have been portraying kratom in an awful way. These are the facts on kratom and this way you can make an informed decision.
Not by pulling emotional strings and making you fear this plant that could help you if you are a person who needs it.
Also View – How to use Kratom – Different Methods for a guide on using the powder.
Kratom inside the body
The kratom leaf is what is used by kratom users to get the kratom effect. Today, we don’t need to chew on leaves, we can simply Buy Kratom powder and easily ingest it.
The historic ways of ingesting kratom into your body would be quite gruesome considering the taste of the kratom powder.
Kratom leaf contains alkaloids which have shown to be beneficial to a wide variety of individuals.
Mitragynine is the main active alkaloid and a mu-opioid receptor agonist; which means that there’s a body-mind response when the alkaloid binds to the mu-opioid receptor.
View Kratom effects: What to Expect
The mu opioid receptor in the brain is what agonists such as morphine bind to.
Kratom binds to the mu-delta receptors and is great for people with opiate withdrawals.
Kratom binds to the mu -delta receptor mimicking the function of the previous opiate agonist allowing your body to recover and get clean from the previously toxic state.
Also, 7-hydroxymitragynine is another major alkaloid found in the leaf which is actually stronger than our well-known prescription drug morphine, which is tremendously helpful for people suffering pain and prefers a natural way to get through it.
Is Kratom a new Drug Fad?
If you are a person of conservative nature than maybe this question has come up countless times when the word “Kratom” has been mentioned.
I would like to invite you to understand that kratom is NOT heroin or any opiate of that nature. Kratom simply BINDS to the same receptors as opiates do and tend to resemble (Not an exact copy) of an opiate.
Kratom should not be viewed as a drug although some of the effects may sound drug like, this plant is in the coffee family. The kratom effects that are being used by people who need this plant are truly beneficial.
In fact, many people are turning to kratom because they cannot go on living just using the normal prescription drugs.
As you already know, most prescription drugs have opiates in them. Opiates feel amazing in the beginning but come at a price.
It is said that the worst feeling in the world is an opiate withdrawal, and the worst part is, they do not take long to form. Once it is formed, quitting means facing the physical and mental pain that opiate withdrawals will bring and staying on course means staying normal (since the tolerance would naturally go up after taking a drug over and over)
It is important to buy kratom from a reputable vendor because it is crucial to be taking something that is healthy for our bodies. A lot can be said from someone who is promoting something for purely personal gain.
There are people however, that may promote kratom as a legal drug, promoting that you can get a legal high. This is not the way you want to be introduced to the world of kratom nor should you support that company or business. This will only endanger the plant’s reputation.
Kratom is in the coffee family and definitely not in the narcotics family. Even though the plant has psychoactive ingredients, this should not be confused as to something that will make you completely lose motor skills. I have personally been taking kratom powder only and have never felt any negative effects less a headache when taken too much. *Note: Some Kratom Strains May Cause Nausea So always take a new strain slow
Kratom can also be taken every day for people who will need the continued dosage in their bodies. View the Taking Kratom Everyday for more on this.
Different Kratom Origins
Kratom is usually labeled from the country in which it originated and defined by the color of the stem and veins of the leaf. For Example:
- White Vein Kratom – A white stem kratom is the fastest strain that you can find. It has a motivating energetic effect that can be used for many different things including working out.
- Green Kratom – A green stem will have a “moderate” effect meaning that you will have benefits of having effects of both fast and slow strains.
- Red Kratom – A Red strain will give you a relaxing effect that can be VERY nice when unwinding at the end of the day. A good red strain will induce small amounts of euphoria that will allow you to relax and meditate to a different extent. This strain is also great for many different things including insomnia and pain relief.
- Maeng Da Kratom – Said to be the best kratom strain on this earth. Its alkaloids are stronger than the normal leaves and this proves to be true in the felt effects of a Maeng Da strain. To see the detailed difference, view Maeng Da Kratom – What’s the Difference?
4 most popular spoken strains
Thailand- Malaysia- Borneo- Indonesian
Thai leaves tend to be more energetic (fast) such as the popular Maeng da.
Malaysian leaves are less energetic (moderate) such as super green Malay
“Bali” (Borneo) leaves are more sedative(slow) such as Bali or Borneo,
Indonesian leaves are energetic, moderate or sedative making it a triple threat.
What is Kratom used for, and by Who?
Kratom can be used by absolutely anybody.
Most people that tend to suffer from anxiety, depression, lack of focus and procrastination find that kratom is an amazing alternative to the traditional ways of soothing these symptoms aka through a prescription drug received from your trusty doctor.
Kratom restores mental alertness as well and is also a painkiller at higher doses as it becomes a sedative. Kratom also is an amazing help to those who are suffering from opiate addiction for whatever reason.
Opiates are found in a lot of pain medication today and unfortunately, opiate receptors in the brain multiply requiring a physical need.
Kratom comes in with its alkaloids and becomes an opiate receptor agonist so that your brain thinks it still receiving opiates but in fact, it is merely an alkaloid of kratom.
Check out kratom and pain for more on this
Also, kratom is a lot easier to stop than any opiate, making it also a very sought after remedy for those in opiate recovery.
View Disclaimer
It is an alternative to the vastly prescribed drugs that are being pushed to you or to sufferers of any of these disorders.
As we all know, or at least should know, prescription drugs are slowly killing our society and luckily, people are finding alternatives rather than suffering nasty side effects.
Why Kratom?
Since the dawn of time man has been using plants to research what they have in store for us. Nature is known to produce extravagant things and I think, subconsciously, we all know this.
Opium: For instance, opium is derived from the poppy plant. The poppy seed is what opium comes from which essentially can be made into opiates or opioids.
Wikipedia description for opium is extremely well said and you would benefit in reading it if you have questions about opium.
With this being said, yes, opium is from the poppy seed that would make it a plant and not necessarily a chemical. Well, this is where human beings step in and experiment. Having a bunch of poppy seeds does not necessarily mean that you have opium.
There are certain steps that man had to take in order to DERIVE (Dictionary Definition) opium from that seed.
Marijuana: The same can be said about marijuana. Although marijuana is now showing to be a MAJOR health benefit in people needing it, the problem with people saying “How can it be dangerous, its just a plant”.
Well, the thing about it is, you are lighting the bud on fire and inhaling SMOKE (Dictionary Definition) which in turn is used to bring out the THC.
Hence THC being derived from marijuana. However, please do not take this the wrong way, I am not saying marijuana and opium are the same things, at all.
Kratom: This brings me to Kratom. Kratom is a tree that grows naturally on the earth like the former two plants just mentioned, HOWEVER, kratom goes through no derivative process.
It simply gets cut off of the tree, ground into powder and then the stem and vein are removed for better quality powder. THIS is ESPECIALLY important to consider when speaking of kratom as a Drug.
Although kratom is a psychoactive plant, it is not derived from anything hence making it quite a lot safer than the former two plants.
The reason that kratom has not had bad press until now should give you a different mindset than the one that the media has tried to portray.
There have been no consequences as of yet that link Directly to kratom use alone.
Natives of where the mitragyna speciosa (kratom) grows naturally, have been chewing on the leaves for centuries. The possible threat kratom may hold is to be less profiting for the opium industry to keep flourishing.
In turn, it may even be a “secret” that has been held from us for a very long time.
Again I am not saying, kratom is the answer for you personally, but kratom is known to help thousands, maybe millions of people all over the world.
I personally am very grateful that I have found this plant to know that IF anything grave were to happen *knock on wood* I would be one to turn to kratom before the other two just for these simple reasons:
- Kratom is natural, not derived simply ground
- It is NOT smoked
- No KNOWN grave side effects from the natives using it for centuries
View kratom dangers for more
The prescription pills being prescribed today have a list of side effects that in most cases surpass the amount of good that they give.
The only side effect that I have personally ever encountered was nausea due to taking to much green powder than my body could handle. Much like alcohol, if you overdue you throw it up.
Your body senses that you have burned too much kratom and you must evacuate, also at high intake level it can make you feel drowsy and lethargic.
This is a great way to see people, like myself, who are speaking on pure experience and not hear say and fear.
I found that Shawn at Kratom Info is a blogger that has experience on kratom and he has a great explanation about “Is Kratom Safe“. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments below.
There are three different types of Kratom
The following is a way to express how the effects would feel. Although everyone is different, people across the internet seem to agree with these concepts.
You will find that there are three different types of kratom these will be:
All this simply means, is basically how it sounds:
Fast: You have a stimulating sensation, more alert, focused and “on the ball”.
Slow: Gives the sensation of mellowness and relaxation\sense of well-being. (not to be confused with TIREDNESS)
Moderate: Is directly in the middle of a stimulating\sense of well-being sensation. It varies from every person, however.
Fast strains: Maeng Da (lower than sweet spot), White Vein
Slow Strains: Red Strain, Green Strain (a little beyond your sweet spot), Maeng Da (Little Beyond sweet spot)
Moderate Strains: Red Strain (Lower than sweet spot), Green Strain, Super Green Strain, White Vein (Little Higher than Sweet Spot), Maeng Da
As you can see you can hit the different levels with every strain it just depends on your dosage. At a higher dose, kratom is sedative. At a lower level, it is energetic.
For a Guide on Kratombible, Please follow the links provided below:
- Home Page
- What is Kratom: A Beginners Guide
- Intermittent Fasting with Kratom
- Kratom Effects
- Organic vs Non-Organic Kratom
- Kratom Guide
- Kratom Benefits
- Kratom Reviews
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[…] make sure to visit the kratom guide for beginners to learn how to dose kratom and some history on the […]
I’ve heard good things and bad things about Kratom, but I have had it once, it was interesting. Almost felt like a dirty weed high, but if I remember correctly, I ate some kind of powder… sounds like it has some benefits though. is it addictive?
Matt TheDopestMatrix
yea unfortunalty there is ALOT of garbage kratom out there which is why I am trying to spread the news on the recommended vendor because I too had tried Kratom before but it wasn’t a reputable buyer and I don’t know what I took. And yes you swallow it, i Toss and wash mine.
And it has So many benefits, and the one i love is it helps keep me productive during the day. Also a VERy good pre workout if you look at my rockstar hippo review.
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P:S Check mine out when you have a chance! Thanks!
[…] worry though, if you follow the kratom guide and the dosage guide found on kratombible.com (meaning your doing exactly what I am doing and have […]
[…] Phenibut unlike kratom cannot be taken everyday and if taken for 5 days straigh (absolute maximum) you should be off it for at least 8- 10 days. (if you suffer from extreme anxiety view the kratom guide) […]
I’ve never heard of kratom before but it sounds pretty legit. Besides, prescription drugs now a days are kind of sketchy. Also, it’s pretty cool that you’ve come up with different ways to ingest it. The videos are a mega plus help too. Great article! Do you know if there is any kratom that acts as a stimulant with the same effects as caffeine?
hey there,
yes it does have caffeine like effects, specially a fast strain taken at a low dose will defiantly give you a Go getter attitude.
It is one of the big reasons I am where I am today!
I am really surprised your favorite method is the toss n wash. I found that kind of tough to get the powder down. I prefer capsules or a mix drink 🙂
easier for me that way and ALOT quicker haha…..i am so use to it now i don’t even taste it at all
Hi Jessy,
I have a question about Kratom, what can’t I mix it with? I’m currently drinking shakes sometimes include a powder mix. I’m interested in Kratom because go through my days feeling very fatigue regardless of how much sleep I have. Coffee has adverse effects on my system.
Thank you,
I seen where you said that kratom hates heat. So I guess coffee is out of the question. It seemed to kick it in better when I first started taking it. But now not so much. Thanks for the info.
What I meant here was that I recently found out the heat actually kills the alkaloids somewhat to in turn reducing the effect of the plant. Of course people do drink teas and Im thinking perhaps they must double the dosage. I wasn’t really meaning it in that sense.
However I have also noticed since the early days the kratom and coffee for me personally doesn’t really do anything, and actually decreases the kratom effects.
I personally love Kratom. I was an opiate addict for 6 years, relapsing every time I tried to quit. Kratom has literally been a miracle for me. I dose 3 times daily and experience very minor opiate withdrawals. I am able to go to work and perform as if I were feeling normal. I praise this plant. Literally saved my life.
Hey Jake,
Always love hearing how kratom has helped another person out. This plant is truly amazing I know, and just goes to show you that pretty much anything green, your needs it. Kratom is just another vegetable (in my opinion obviously its not a vegetable) in the sense that adding kratom will just make you feel rejuvenated and on top of the world.
Another live saved by the amazing effects of the kratom plant. Thanks for sharing Jake.
Have a great day !
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Hello–my name is John and I had a bad accident and was given (at first) morphine, then oxycontin, and then when I wanted to get off all those “bad ones”–the doctor gave me METHADONE and told me “no, its not addictive” (he had no clue about it–worst withdrawals EVER when I ran low and could not get the prescription filled out at the exact time I ran out). I’m a “professional person”–a pastor and teacher in fact, and work with a lot of people who are on opiates and trying to get off of them. So, for myself the problem of being on a narcotic medication was difficult when I was working with people who were hurt, then got well with their physical problem, but were then addicted so bad to the opiates they went from being who they were to this other person because the opiates changed their personality so much. It’s horrible to watch happen, and I realized it was happening to me. I finally got myself to a doctor that knew what he was doing–and got my back fixed as well as my hips–and for the first time in my life had no pain walking or sitting–and realized it was time to get OFF all the pain meds because I really didn’t need them. I had suffered through almost 10 YEARS of garbage with doctors telling me the “pain is all in my head” and “your back isn’t that bad” to finally find a chiropractor who looked at my MRI and said in 5 minutes, literally, “well here’s your problem–you have a torsion (twisted) in your pelvis and it’s screwing everything up!” So, in 6 months he straightened that out and I’m good to go now.
That’s when the trouble started though with the opiates. I tried numerous times to get off the meds myself and finally realized there was no way to do it other than go to a center or figure out some kind of buddy system with someone who would help me stay accountable. Again, I found a great doctor. I told him I wanted to get off the methadone completely and he said he would help me do that and not dose me even if I asked for more for “pain”. The issue there started to happen that your body will have “ghost pain” because it’s trying to ask for more of the opiates and you are actually not as sore or in as much pain physically as your brain tries to make you think. Kind of like a constant hangover, you feel like dirt but the reality is you really aren’t that bad.
Enter kratom: I did a look on the internet for a way to get off of opioids and found kratom and decided to give it a try. I used a high dosage to begin with, almost 3 TB per day, and that got rid of most of my withdrawals from the methadone until I was ready to drop it all. Then, I tapered off the kratom for the next few weeks as well while my system rebuilt itself and my brain started to make the components it needs to be well (as methadone makes your brain stop making a lot of what it needs as it substitutes those chemicals for you–thats the one reason it’s very hard to get off of as well).
So, because of kratom I am no longer addicted to the opioids and as well, not addicted to the kratom. I’m on my last few grams as I taper off of it for good and feel great–but that’s not to say the kratom had all positive effects either. I had bad stomach pains in the morning for weeks as I went onto it because I had to use a higher dosage, and as well when you ease out of it you do have some depression and irritability. So, its not a perfect drug but it was perfect for getting off the opioids. For people with chronic pain I can’t say enough about finding an alternative to opioids per se, and if Kratom will work for you just know that I can fully say that as a 50 year old man who’s seen it all and been through it all, that this website is absolutely one of the best out there to educate you on what to do/not to do. Thanks for reading and I hope in some way you find what you need on the journey you’re on. Like Jake Wilson’s comment above–this plant saved my life.
Hello John
First of all I would like to say that I am sorry for all that you have went through. All these set of ordeals compounding one after the other after your accident are horrible.
It is very rewarding to see how people are able to benefit from kratom. I have personally never been addicted to opiates but I know someone who felt some minor withdrawals after an accident and his whole body was in physical pain. It was quite scary.
The fact that kratom can act as a pain healer AND opiate supplementation (meaning when getting off of opiates, kratom is NOT an opiate. I know you know this just for the readers.) does indeed make it special in a sense. I also went through some withdrawal when quitting marijuana and kratom was a god send for it. Here I had to up my dose and when I decided to take a couple of days off my nose was leaking a bit (a slight withdrawal symptom) but other than that I never had bad withdrawals. ( I never take more than 15 grams a day and that is a lot and I rarely go up that high) Understanabley however your situation is drastically different and it is amazing to see a plant do this. Soon you will be completely drug free !
I want to also thank you on reading my blog I feel like it was helpful to you. I want to also thank you for the kind words and hoping that everything will be back to normal for you soon.
Again thank you and have wonderful holidays and hoping 2016 blesses you my friend.
Hey Jessy, appreciate the blog! I’ve been on my Kratom lifestyle for 3 months now…Like most readers, I was addicted to Opiates for years and honestly never would have quit if it wasn’t for Kratom! Anyway, I’m wondering about “potentiators” or other herbs/nootropics that you have tried in combination with Kratom? I’ve tried the most common ones like: Grapefruit Juice, Tagamet etc..but really haven’t found a combo that seems to work well…Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Kratom on it’s own, just wondering if there are any other things you’ve tried and has worked well with..
Thanks again and keep blogging bro!
Hey Leo,
That is awesome that you have been off opiates man, those things are brutal!
I know exactly what you mean about the potentiators not working, although I have unfortunately started drinking coffee in the morning again. I am trying to cut back on the cream and sugar (I have switched to sweetener) in it but it does seem to up the effects a small bit however I have always found it to take the kratom effect away like 40 mins after my coffee.
I recently discovered a liquid nitro that essentially opens up every cell inside of your body hence allowing the kratom to act and attach faster to the receptors. The potency of the Nitric Oxide has a nice clean energy that mixes beautifully with kratom and in my experience hasn’t brought down the kratom effect like the coffee since there is no crash with nitric oxide (because it is produced in our bodies at a cellular level)
You can gain more info on the nitro that I use at kyaniscience.com and it will show you the other products that I use as well in combination with kratom.
If you are interested after reading the science site proceed to Online store to view the different package availability as well as pricing.
Hopefully this helps you Leo, I am making a newsletter VERY soon and you can sign up and I will let you know on new posts and random updates (not every week no spam)
Thanks for the recommendation! It’s cool that you mention Nitric Oxide, as I also lift and I know N.O. has always been great for the pump! I take a few supplements as well, and find L-Citrulline a great N.O. booster. Do you have any experience with other bodybuilding supplements as well? I live in Vancouver, Canada, just wondering if I can get this KyaniScience product here? As well, let me know when you get that newsletter up and I will be sure to sign up! All the best bro, keep bloggin!
I unfortunately take c4 every time I work out but most recently have been able to reduce my c4 intake tremendously (about quarter scoop) with one stick of the Nitro powder from Kyani Supplement store.
I also take protein powder. Usually Optimum nutrition but when the budget is low the best is the peanut butter chocolate by body fortress which I purchase at Walmart. Other than that I use the other two products from the website above as its packed with all the essential supplementation and its two products.
Instead of having 10 million bottles and pills to take I take 2 shots of the sunrise per day and 3 caps before bed time. I use the nitro liquid before every intake of EVERYTHING I.e Vitamins, food, kratom, phenibut, protein shakes, fish oils (which are the red capsules).
The reason for this is because once the liquid nitro (i think it HAS to be liquid so that it reacts in the following) enters your body it automatically opens up EVERYTHING inside which allow maximum absorption. (this can get pricey tho so try like half doses instead of full)
As for the shipping to Canada absolutely, I am also in Hamilton Ontario Canada. The only thing here is that it is all in Us dollars… At the time I write this the canadian dollar is the lowest its been in 11 years so the conversion definitely sucks, but take heart to know that there all natural and thats the only reason I promote it.
I don’t know if you are aware but since the whole supplement phase there have been many studies done on different supplements of all kinds across the board and somewhere along the lines of 60% of supplements don’t have what they promote on the labels. Or there is not enough content to actually help.
Introduce this line and you will be able to notice the effects (especially if you are deprived somewhere) because it ranges into all nutritional value (except protein)
Hope this helps Leo and that you very much for your support I genuinely appreciate you and people like you that take value from the site and let me know about it!
Have a great day Leo and take care!
[…] Kratom Beginners Guide […]
I love your website, so informative. I haven’t heard of Kratom before. It sounds very interesting though. You definitely know your stuff. Not only are there so many different kinds but there are so many different ways to use/take it as well. Very cool read.
[…] Kratom Beginners Guide […]
[…] kratom beginners guide […]
[…] Kratom For Beginners […]
[…] What Is Kratom? […]
[…] What is Kratom? Beginners Guide […]
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Hey Jesse, great concise guide and does a good job of laying out the differences between strains and not overwhelming newbies. I always use kratom as a a preworkout personally and find it helps motivation (i don’t like traditionan stimulant preworkout mixes). Thanks for spreading kratom awareness!
hey thanks man appreciate that. I personally LOVE traditional pre workouts, although they are not as safe as kratom, they definetly help in getting through a workout.
Hope you found everything that you were looking for at kratombible!
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My fiancé is trying to withdraw off Suboxone and Xanax. My daughter works at a head shop and suggested Kratom. Yay!!! We are praying this works. I have been looking into it, and to be honest all these colors and strains have me confused. What do you suggest would be best for weight loss and arthritis pain? I have been addicted to opiates, marijuana, but mainly Meth. Went cold turkey 7 years ago and loving life pleasantly plump!!! 😜
i s0 want to ck this out for my husbands benefit as he is an addict.abuser.paranoia sufferer-to where pot made him s0 paranoid,,,s0 excited about the possibilities of this making our life easier …praying to God something works :/
Hey, Jessy,
The rotation guide mentioned on another page isn’t there to download. Help??
I’ve been taking hydrocodone (10mg) pretty much daily for chronic pain due to a degenerative condition in my neck. I’ve been reading up on Kratom and decided to see if it could maybe help me out. I took a small dose (teaspoon) today for the first time and it had no effect. From what I’ve read that’s probably due to my use of opioids. Can anyone suggest what an effective dose might be so that I can start cutting back on the pills?
were can i get all the info about kratom on paper , as some of my friends do not have internet and would like to lean how to use it and understand it better.
[…] New? Start Here […]
I’ve read
All of this info is awsome and as a newer user to Kratom i have enjoyed learning so much.
Correction to measurements. 1tsp of powder is 2.5g. So 2tsp=5g. My 1st comment was using granulated sugar.
Use it and love it
I am just getting started in my learning so thank you profusely for all this information. I am so glad I found you.
Is this OK for pain relief? Is Kratom safe to use? I need something to help with my pain.
Just a thought… In reading your article I already found two typographical errors. (New for Knew) (here for hear)
Get a proofreader to go over it for you. Otherwise, good article.
Kratom gave me my life back. I have a degenerative muscular disease that eventually cripple me completely. I also have degenerative disc disease. I live in pain. I was in so much pain, because i won’t take pharmaceuticals. Then a friend told me about kratom. I researched and read and talked to people… Finally I tried it. It’s been a year and a half and I thank God every day for his PLANTS! Kratom helps my pain, my mood and that gives me more energy. Feeling better feels better. Kratom saved me from living five to six days a week in bed! I have went days at a time without needing to take it too. Of course, my pain is a little more intense when I don’t have Kratom, but nothing like it used to be. #WeAreKratom