How to Burn Kratom – Different Methods
This is a Guide to burning the plant named kratom. You may have burned kratom before but unfortunately you may have been told to smoke it.
I will show you how to burn kratom. I will also show you how to burn kratom in different methods since there are a numerous amounts of ways that you can go about burning it.

First off though I would like to get to the method of burning kratom as a smokable plant.
Kratom is not meant to be smoked, therefore it would be completely pointless for someone to attempt smoking it as it would need a lot of smoke to do anything (I don’t even know I never tried personally). People I know have mentioned
“oh yea, kratom you smoke that stuff right?”
This is what a friend asked me.
I than asked where he heard this and than told me that the head shop that sold it to him told him to smoke it. The person told me that the powder crystallized and couldnt even get anything out of it, therefore I will never smoke it (which would be harsh on your lungs anyway)
The bad thing is that head shops sell and than clients need to now how to burn kratom and are proceeded to be misinformed. (in my personal scenarios, not saying everyone is the same but I havent seen a head shop promote it right yet)
Methods Of Using Kratom
When it comes to the question of How to Burn Kratom, the following are the various ways you can burn kratom.
Kratom Method 1: Toss and Wash
WARNING: You must be sure that you are able to T&W (This will take practice) It is VERY CRUCIAL however to NOT cough while attempting this.
The fine powder CANNOT get into your lungs!
Your lungs are not made for fine powder
If the powder gets inside, your lungs may get a feeling of filling with water.
To avoid this start with SMALL amounts of kratom powder. This is a new discovery that I have learned that came from the mouths of Doctors.
You simply place the dosage of kratom that you wish to use, place a small amount of water in your mouth.
“toss” the kratom, than turn and waddle your head so that the kratom binds to the water inside your mouth and than “wash” it down with some water.
However BE very sure that you do not cough as this can allow the fine powder into your lungs and this can result in negative consequences.
Start with a small amount of kratom to get use to swirling it into a small wet ball that is easily swallowed.
You MUST swirl the kratom powder and the water together to get it all down.
Note*The toss and wash is personally my go to method and I find it the best way to get the maximum kratom effects

Kratom Method 2: Favorite Drink Mix
Another well known method of burning kratom is mixing it in with your favourite drink
i.e gatorade, protein shake, orange juice or even water.
Have the amount of liquid that you will be mixing with the kratom, than add the kratom and shake vigorously so that it is well mixed. (you won’t feel any clumps with’s recommended vendors considering its well shaken)
I personally never use this method, I have tried it several times in the beginning of my kratom ventures and never found the effect as pronounced as the toss and wash. However I stand by my saying that everyone is different so you may experiment to find your own.
Kratom Tea
I have just recently learned that kratom hates the heat. The alkaloids that the plant has are burned up and diminished with this process. However, below is the method that I have previously used.
Last but not least the tea method – The tea method is a long process if you want to remove all the plant matter and be left with just the tea.
Victor Pride at bold and determined has an amazing tea method which I have personally used in the past.

*WARNING – Kratom has a very bitter taste you may want to add some honey/ sweetener to lessen the harshness (I personally don’t mind the tea’s taste). Different strains will also have different tastes.
My personal favourite is the toss and wash for its simplicity, time efficiency, convenience and effect.
It is not convenient to make a tea when you are not at home. However, you can easily dump it into your favourite drink mix and enjoy!
These are the methods required to burn kratom, although the toss and wash without adding the swish to it can be dangerous, the plant is safe when ingested and feel free to try all of these methods out.
You will surely find a preferred method of using your kratom.
I personally find that the toss and wash method is the easiest way (once your use to it) to get the kratom down as fast as possible, and it also seems to affect me more using the toss and wash method.
If you have any concerns please let me know in the comments below. If this helped you, give it a share so that people may understand how to use kratom.
If you are new to kratom or feel free to visit look around as there is ample kratom information here !
Hence the term “bible”
Comments are closed.
My first time… What strain would you recommend
Have you read
It gives a description of the different colors
I would also advise you to see the reviews at
They are all different it depends on what you are going for.
Hope this helps
Hi, I am new. Will be my first time. What would you suggest for chronic pain and something to sleep at night. Wanting to get off all medications. Also what is the toss and wash. That seems like something I would be interested in or something I could mix in with O.J. I need something with energy also, I know coming off the pills isn’t going to be easy, I have tried it by myself in the past. any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I put my kratom in Oj in a small Tupperware like container shake it up and leave it in the fridge take it first thing in the morning now 4+ years later T&W is perfect as I have acquired a taste for it so it does not bother me
This shits expensive
New. How much powder is a dose?
1gm? 5 gm? I’m a nurse w Multiple Sclerosis
So..sleep and fatigue mainly, no pain history.
Have some red, white and green samples
Pretty clueless!
Start with 2 and go from there. If you get nauseous take less, if you feel nothing, take more.